Saturday, April 28, 2012

Wk4 comments to Jessica's post

Jessica's original post: Wk 4 Reading: The Art of Possibility Ch 9 - 12 Image: manostphoto / Chapter 9 brings many ideas, among them passion (lighting a spark) and attitude. It was the latter idea, one of attitude, that got my attention as i read. The idea that it's not always what you are asking for, but HOW you are asking for it, that matters. People want to help, many more so than they realize, but it often takes the right approach to reach that well of good nature. Again, through artful language Zander reminds us that our own perspective on a situation greatly influences how we interact with others in that situation, even when we don't realize it. If we can change our perspective (into something more positive), we at least stand a change at changing the outcome. It was this sentence that really lit the light bulb above my head for this chapter: "Like a tap to a kaleidoscope that shifts identical pieces of glass into different patterns, the scene changed before out eyes from bankruptcy to abundance with just the slightest nudge to the frame". The Art of Possibility, Zander and Zander, pg 116. Beautiful. And of corse, reality isn't always like this. Poor is still poor, whether quality, finances, etc. However, perspective and attitude can make all the difference between a closed door and an opened one. "Being the Board" (the next chapter, Ten) follows up nicely on this concept, although it does rehash some of the same ideas. The chapter discusses the idea of framework (or at least that's my interpretation of it). But then we move into Chapter 11 which directly states it's about framework, and then goes into more detail and more discussion of framework. So now i'm left wondering what it was i was supposed to get out Chapter 10. Or rather, what is chapter 10 really about? It seems to be this weird in-between mixture of Ch 9 and 11. But the 12th, and last chapter sums everything up nicely i think. The result of everything said previously, the sum of all the previous ideas… that the life journey of an individual isn't really about just the individual, even if they think or desire that to be so. Everything we do influences someone else in some way, so we should do what we can to make those influences positive ones, to impact the society of "US". I rather like that idea.
DrichardsApr 28, 2012 10:33 AM Jessica, In your reading post you have a statement about perspective and attitude can make all the difference between a closed door and an opened one. That is so true and not just teaching but in life. The statement goes along with the discussion question the other week about why are teachers so resistant to change. It’s all about a person’s attitude. If you keep a positive attitude then it flows along with the statement everything we do influences someone else in some way, so we should do what we can to make those influences positive. A positive attitude during change at school will help not only yourself but also other teachers affected by the change.

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