Saturday, April 21, 2012

Wk3 Where Do I Want To Share My Project

I have attended GACTE conference for the past 5 years and the breakout sessions are great but all the years I have been attending no breakout session has ever been about implementing an LMS into a construction program. I would like to present at the summer GACTE conference and share my experience with my CBR. I would like to talk about the benefits of implementing an LMS in a construction class. The conference has program specific areas for attendees.
The other conference I am interested in is the Georgia Educational Technology Conference (GaETC). I like this conference because they are looking for presenters in Emerging Tech for Education. I would like to spread the word about implementing new technology into a construction program. Another area they are looking for presenters is flipping the classroom. If I had a prefect phase 3 it would be flipping the classroom. I would like to video my lectures and demonstrations and post them within my LMS for students.


  1. Del – I think it is great that you want to share your experience of implementing an LMS into your construction program at a CTE conference. I just had the opportunity to attend the Region V ACTE conference that was being held here in Jackson. It was very inspirational and I listened to a lot of great presentations by teachers that were, like you, expanding the scope of their classrooms through new and innovative instructional strategies. I will say though that I too did not hear from any construction teachers who were utilizing online tools in their programs. I think this would be a great presentation to deliver because I think it would really tear down some walls of perception about where online tools can and should be used.

    I also love the idea of flipping your classroom. Two of my co-workers recently completed their Masters in a similar program to ours (one actually teaches our construction program too) and their capstone projects were to video tape all their lessons and put them on a Schoology site as well. I think this is as far as they went with their LMS’s but from what I understand it has really helped out students that miss class due to other school activities or absences.

    I commend you for attempting to change the perception of what a CTE course is all about, because personally I think our classes tend to be some of the most valuable for students.
