Sunday, April 29, 2012

WK 4 Leadership project

The leadership project was created from a challenge based research project conducted in a construction class at Northwest Whitfield high School in Tunnel, Hill GA. The project showed how the implementation of technology in a construction class will increase engagement and motivation.I plan to apply to the Georgia Educational Technology Conference (GaETC). GaETC is looking for presenters in the area of emerging technology for education.
WK1 Leadership blog post
 •WK2 Leadership blog post
 •WK3 Leadership blog post
Leadership Document

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Wk 4 comments to Amanda's post

Amanda's original post: WK 4 Reading - The Art of Possibility For this week’s reading there were a few statements the authors made that stood out to me. One being that “Certain things in life are better done in person.” This is such a true statement and reminded me of a young lady at Starbucks, had once told me that she hated working the drive thru, people are so rude and forget that there is a real person actually taking their order. I happened to be her first customer that did not do this. I was kind of surprised she had reveled something so personal to me. But she had been fed up with how people could find it ok to act like this because they were speaking into a small box, why is it that many people tend to think this type of attitude is acceptable in a non face-to-face meeting. I am sure many of her “rude” customers would never acted in such a way if they had gotten down instead. Its funny that people tend to put on a different persona when it comes to communicating in a non face-to-face meeting? I think the same is true for asking a favor or for some service you would like to person to do. Even when it comes to borrowing money this would apply largely because seeing someone in person than through email or the phone it is more personable and you are more likely to get the response you wanted in doing so. Another quote I found to be quite powerful is “ I am the framework for everything that happens in my life” This quote reminds us that we can own the risks we take by standing in front of them and not casting blame elsewhere. We are responsible for what happens to us from the path we choose to take. We are built from our successes, failures, partnerships, and ideologies. In the very last chapter “Coda” the book talks a little bit about why someone may have come across this book and hoped after reading it, you are able to view things in life a little differently with a new perspective. I think this quote sums it up what The Art of Possibility intended to do. “From a person who meets the challenges life serves up, to one who designs the stage on which her life plays out; from a single not to a long line, from partial to full expression, from the I to the WE.” Posted by Amanda Castaneda at 7:58 PM Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook
1 comments: DrichardsApr 28, 2012 11:00 AM Amanda, I agree that with the statement “Certain things are better done in person.” I liked the story about the lady working the drive thru at Starbucks. It reminded me of a few times over the years when parents were quick to be rude to teachers and administrators over the phone but when they came in for a conference face-to-face their attitude changed. I have always believed if you need help with something and cannot meet face-to-face then be polite and friendly. The quote “I am the framework for everything that happens in my life” needs to be hung on the wall for every teacher and student so they can reflect on the quote during the day.

Wk4 comments to Jessica's post

Jessica's original post: Wk 4 Reading: The Art of Possibility Ch 9 - 12 Image: manostphoto / Chapter 9 brings many ideas, among them passion (lighting a spark) and attitude. It was the latter idea, one of attitude, that got my attention as i read. The idea that it's not always what you are asking for, but HOW you are asking for it, that matters. People want to help, many more so than they realize, but it often takes the right approach to reach that well of good nature. Again, through artful language Zander reminds us that our own perspective on a situation greatly influences how we interact with others in that situation, even when we don't realize it. If we can change our perspective (into something more positive), we at least stand a change at changing the outcome. It was this sentence that really lit the light bulb above my head for this chapter: "Like a tap to a kaleidoscope that shifts identical pieces of glass into different patterns, the scene changed before out eyes from bankruptcy to abundance with just the slightest nudge to the frame". The Art of Possibility, Zander and Zander, pg 116. Beautiful. And of corse, reality isn't always like this. Poor is still poor, whether quality, finances, etc. However, perspective and attitude can make all the difference between a closed door and an opened one. "Being the Board" (the next chapter, Ten) follows up nicely on this concept, although it does rehash some of the same ideas. The chapter discusses the idea of framework (or at least that's my interpretation of it). But then we move into Chapter 11 which directly states it's about framework, and then goes into more detail and more discussion of framework. So now i'm left wondering what it was i was supposed to get out Chapter 10. Or rather, what is chapter 10 really about? It seems to be this weird in-between mixture of Ch 9 and 11. But the 12th, and last chapter sums everything up nicely i think. The result of everything said previously, the sum of all the previous ideas… that the life journey of an individual isn't really about just the individual, even if they think or desire that to be so. Everything we do influences someone else in some way, so we should do what we can to make those influences positive ones, to impact the society of "US". I rather like that idea.
DrichardsApr 28, 2012 10:33 AM Jessica, In your reading post you have a statement about perspective and attitude can make all the difference between a closed door and an opened one. That is so true and not just teaching but in life. The statement goes along with the discussion question the other week about why are teachers so resistant to change. It’s all about a person’s attitude. If you keep a positive attitude then it flows along with the statement everything we do influences someone else in some way, so we should do what we can to make those influences positive. A positive attitude during change at school will help not only yourself but also other teachers affected by the change.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Wk4 Reading Entry

Chapter 9 lighting a spark is the chapter that spoke to me. Zander states that enrollment is the art and practice of generating a spark of possibility for others to share. Teachers should be all about trying to generate a spark of possibility in their students. While reading chapter 9 it reminded me of a few years ago when I was giving a quiz on measuring at the beginning of the year. I always want to check and see where my students stand on measuring. I was explaining how to read a tape measure to one of my students. He kept asking questions and I continued to explain how to reduce the even fractions and all of a sudden He said HEY! This is math! This is so easy. It was great to see how the light just came on for him. He immediately started showing his friends how to read the tape measure. That was a great moment in my life. Also in chapter 9 Ben talks about his father saying certain things in life are better done in person. I am a firm believer in that statement. When I was self-employed I always wanted to present a quote for a job in person. I remember bidding on a job one time and I presented the quote and explained what I would do and furnish. I was told that I was a little higher on my bid but he liked my proposal and how I explained the process of completing the job. I was awarded the bid. I believe that if I had not been able to present the proposal in person I would not have been awarded the bid.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Wk3 comments to Kwasida's post

original post: Week 3: Reading - The Art of Possibility Chapter 5-8 in the book the Art of Possibility by Zander further spells out how to really open ourselves to the possibilities. I like how the 5th rule shares that a leader doen't need a podium. It reminds me that we lead in all aspects of our lives; parents, educators, siblings, neighbor, friend etc... When we are courageous enough to take the.....then we truly lead from any chair. My favorite rule is Rule number 6, "Don't take yourself so goddamn seriously." I've always taken my life with intense purpose sometimes causing great stress. I've definitely been on a vibe to lighten up. In the text, it mentioned when lightening up it may lighten up those around me. Lightening things up is important as a wife, mother and educator. Posted by Kwasida Williams at 2:17 PM
DrichardsApr 22, 2012 06:34 PM Kwasida, I also liked the 5th rule about leading from any chair and that leaders do not need a podium. We do lead from all aspects of our lives and not always from the front. The position I found difficult leading from was at the start of my CBR and sitting back to let my students take the lead on the challenge. I also liked rule number 6 and there are times that I need to lighten up. I plan to apply this rule to my life on a daily bases.

WK 3 comments to Amanda's post

original post: Week 3 Reading - The Art of Possibility The reading this week was all about how to live life with the possibility that anything is possible. The chapters tell us how to lighten up and let go of our inhibitions that ultimately will help us live life to the fullest. One of the statements that probably stood out the most was “When our attention is primarily directed to how wrong things are, we lose the power to act effectively.” This quote holds true in the fact that when things seem to start off bad early in the day it tends to tumble in a downward spiral if we let it, and it is easy to let it. I can say that I have had days like this when “remember rule number 6” would have come in handy early on before the start to a horrible day. Remembering this rule could help turn any sticky situation by learning to lighten up. Another thing I noticed while reading these chapters is how incredibly detailed Roz is while sharing a story as an example of what the chapter is about. She sets the mood and picture just perfectly with the setting, weather, time of day, and smells in the scenario. Posted by Amanda Castaneda at 8:58 PM Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook
DrichardsApr 22, 2012 11:50 AM Amanda, I think the quote you stated in your post is great “when out attention is primarily directed to how wrong things are, we lose the power to act effectively”. I believe this quote could apply to our discussion question about teachers being resistant to change when it comes to technology. If teachers put as much attention into learning new technology as they do about complaining about it, then maybe the resistant barrier would be broken. Also rule number 6 could be added to the same situation. Teachers need to lighten up about making changes that would improve their teaching and start putting the needs of their students first.. You are right about your statement of lighten up and letting our inhibitions go then we could live our lives to the fullest. ReplyDelete

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Wk3 Where Do I Want To Share My Project

I have attended GACTE conference for the past 5 years and the breakout sessions are great but all the years I have been attending no breakout session has ever been about implementing an LMS into a construction program. I would like to present at the summer GACTE conference and share my experience with my CBR. I would like to talk about the benefits of implementing an LMS in a construction class. The conference has program specific areas for attendees.
The other conference I am interested in is the Georgia Educational Technology Conference (GaETC). I like this conference because they are looking for presenters in Emerging Tech for Education. I would like to spread the word about implementing new technology into a construction program. Another area they are looking for presenters is flipping the classroom. If I had a prefect phase 3 it would be flipping the classroom. I would like to video my lectures and demonstrations and post them within my LMS for students.