Dwayne's original post on http://edm613blog.blogspot.com/2012/03/week-1-copyright-issues.html
Week 1: Copyright Issues
Being that my degree is in the field of Communications, I have been somewhat familiar with the area of copyright. Being a teacher and also and creator of new work (videography, photography), I can see where the lines get blurry between fair use and an artist seeking compensation for their work. I remember in my undergraduate sitting through an entire semester going through copyright law and how to file copyright. It all seems like a jumbled mess now. But, Dr. Bustillos explained fair use in one of the videos so simply that anyone can understand it. I think I am quoting this right, “If you can remove the copyrighted material from your teaching and can still teach the lesson, you are not protected under fair use.” As a teacher that is trying to teach other schoolteachers when they should and should not use copyright material, I now have an exact example to give to them. I also had always looked at fair use as a legal right that I was entitled to a certain amount but after this week’s videos, really fair use is a legal defense position. As a teacher, I need to consider the effects of what I use in class and what message that it gives to my students. Being a video production teacher, I need to teach my students the proper use of fair use and the proper paths to go through to get copyright permission to use someone else’s work in their creations. I thoroughly enjoyed the documentary, “Good Copy\Bad Copy”. It reminded me of another documentary, “RIP: A Remix Manifesto”. Both of these have truly made me question my stance on copyright. I believe that if we are not careful, we will begin to see a decline in certain creative arts such as music. Copyright, which was created for the good of the industry, could become its biggest hindrance.
Cinta Image: www.sxc.hu/photo/1166547
DrichardsMar 31, 2012 05:45 AM
Dwayne, I never had to think much about copyright until I started teaching. As a teacher I can also see where the lines get blurry with fair use and an artist’s compensation. I also think teachers need to consider what is used in their class and the message we send our students. I think teachers get caught up in the everyday activities and do not think about copyright issues that relate to their class.
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